Thursday, 23 December 2010

Club Penguin Moderators

The Club Penguin Team are a group of people that work for Disney. They work hard 24/7 to ensure that Club Penguin is safe for young children to use. Moderators are online all the time, but they have to keep their identities a secret so they don't get crowded by penguins. The Club Penguin Team consists of:


Lane Merrifield, better known by his screen name Billybob, is a well-known Club Penguin Moderator who often posts news on the official Club Penguin blog. His catchphrase is "Waddle On!", as seen on almost all of his blog posts. When on Club Penguin, he can very often be found wearing the Green Letterman Jacket and/or the Green Ball Cap.


Lance Priebe, better known by his screen name rsnail, is a well-known moderator onClub Penguin. Along with Billybob, he is the founder of Club Penguin. Rsnail is the also founder of Rocketsnail Games, which is consisted of games that he created with the help of the Rocketsnail Games team. Sadly, the website was shut down due to lack of funds, but later came back as a "micro-blog". Currently, rsnail took down his twitter link but can still be reached at here. Priebe also has a Flickr page here. The most popular game of his site was Penguin Chat 3, which was what Club Penguin was based on. The Rocketsnail Games logo is, unsurprisingly, a snail strapped to a rocket. Rsnail used to post frequently on the Club Penguin blog during the Beta Testing days, but Billybob now does the majority of the posts, while Rsnail posts occasionally. Gary the Gadget Guy has a model of the Rocketsnail Games logo in his room. This logo/model has appeared in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force and Mission #4. He is currently the only player known to have a lowercase letter at the start of his name. Everyone else who had a lowercase letter at the start of their name had it automatically changed to an uppercase one after Club Penguin was updated. rsnail has two test penguins called "Nickname1" and "Swampy". As of November 2010 rsnail does not work for Disney and he is looking for a new job. He has also confirmed it on Twitter.


Screenhog is a well known moderator. He sometimes writes in the What's New Blog just like Billybob does, though not as often. Screenhog (the penguin) has all the items in Club Penguin. Screenhog also does not enjoy crowds much. Screenhog's real name is Chris Hendricks. He is the graphic designer of Club Penguin. He was shown on the old Developer Blog working on a computer. His site is here. There has been a big controversy over if Freesing is Screenhog. Screenhog(on his Twitter) has said that Freesing is not his test account.


Gizmo is one of the moderators and founders of Club Penguin. Gizmo's real name is David Krysko. He is usually active on servers Sleet and Frozen. He is in charge of the parties, parades, and fun events around Club Penguin. Gizmo joined the Club Penguin team on December 29, 2005. His test account is "Vader2006", this is understandable, as "Gizmo" is an Ultimate Safe Chat moderator, while "Vader2006" isn't. Gizmo seems to be the most active out of all the Moderators. He is a Level 4 member and is usually seen with the Soccer Ball pin.


Happy77 is a Club Penguin moderator. On Penguin Chat 3, she was seen at least once as a snail. Happy77's test penguin is called Luv2dance160. Her real name is Rachael Leards.


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